JugendBildungsmesse in Austria

Get in touch with your main target group of students, graduates, trainees, parents, teachers and anyone interested in foreign stays and international education! After more than 600 successful fairs in the last 20 years, the JugendBildungsmesse (JuBi) has become firmly established in more than 60 locations every year in the German-speaking region and comes to Vienna twice a year. The JuBi is the largest specialized fair on the topics of education abroad, language and travel, as well as youth, sports, language and adventure travel. Programs include but are not limited to (private) high school exchange, boarding schools language courses, Au Pair, Work & Travel, voluntary work, university studies and more.

On the JuBi-tour, more than 100 exchange organizations and international educational institutions present their programs and scholarships. The fairs in Austria take place at schools or public facilities on saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.. The admission is free for visitors.

JuBi Dates & Locations in Austria 2025

JuBi Wien (January)


Polgarstraße 24
1220 Wien


JuBi Wien (October)


Astgasse 3
1140 Wien


Are you interested in becoming an exhibitor and join our JuBi-tour? Feel free to contact us!

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