About us

Thomas Terbeck – Founder of weltweiser und International Education Network

Driven by wanderlust, Thomas Terbeck travelled to almost 40 countries around the world as an exchange student, backpacker, language student, intern and Erasmus student until the age of 25.

The response to the first publication of the guide Fernweh showed how great the need for independent advice in the areas of stays abroad and education & career is. Subsequently Thomas founded the independent education advice service weltweiser® in 2000.

In order to structurally separate international activities, the Internet platform business and B2B-services, the International Education Network GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 2005.

About weltweiser – Der unabhängige Bildungsberatungsdienst & Verlag

weltweiser is an independent educational counselling service & publishing house. We have made it our mission to provide expert information about stays abroad and international educational opportunities such as student exchanges, high school stays, becoming a host family, language trips, au pairs, work & travel, internships, volunteering and studying abroad. We are neither an exchange organisation nor a tour operator. Our work consists of examining the offers of different organisers and finding the best individual programmes for each party. In doing so, we benefit from the diverse experiences we have made abroad ourselves.

weltweiser is the organiser of the Youth Education Fair JuBi, the largest specialised fair for stays abroad. In addition, as a publishing house, we publish printed guides on the topic of a year abroad & gap year. Last but not least, weltweiser is the founder of and contributor to the WELTBÜRGER scholarships.

weltweiser as Fair- und Event-Organiser

JuBi – Youth Education Fair

Hessen total international – The youth information platform

weltweiser- trade convention about education abroad

weltweiser as Sponsor


Exchange student sholarships

weltweiser as Publishing House

Guide Fernweh. The manual for school exchange.

Guide Weltentdecker. The manual for stays abroad.

weltweiser-study about conducted school exchange

weltweiser as Counselling Service

Independent counselling

Cultural Consulting

Social Media von weltweiser

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About International Education Network GmbH & Co. KG

International Education Network GmbH & Co KG

The International Education Network GmbH & Co. KG, or IEN for short, is responsible for organising the Youth Education & Travel Fair. It presents a counterpart to the German Youth Education Fair in other European countries.
In addition, IEN operates various B2C platforms on the internet with a focus on education and travel. Furthermore it organises online trade fairs, corporate events, conferences and networks the international education sector through a wide range of services.

Advice portals & internet platforms

International B2C projects

Youth Education Travel Fair

Language Tests


Consultancy and services for online events

IEN-Services in English

Edu-Connector. THINK new!

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